Corporate reporting

Supply Ontario is committed to transparency in all aspects of governance, management, administration and operations. Additional corporate documents and reports will be published on this page as they become available.

Mandate Letter

The agency mandate letter is an annual correspondence from the minister responsible for a board-governed agency to the agency’s chair outlining the minister’s broad expectations with respect to service and performance priorities for the coming fiscal year.

Read our 2024/25 Mandate Letter (pdf).

Business Plan 

In accordance with the Agencies and Appointment Directive, all provincial agencies with governing boards must prepare an annual business plan and make it publicly available within 30 calendar days of approval by the responsible minister. 

Read our 2024/25 to 2026/27 Business Plan (pdf).
Read our 2023/24 to 2025/26 Business Plan (pdf).

Memorandum of Understanding

The Memorandum of Understanding establishes the accountability relationship between the minister responsible for a board-governed agency and the agency’s chair, on behalf of Supply Ontario.

Read our current Memorandum of Understanding (PDF).

Annual reports and financial statements

Supply Ontario prepares an annual report outlining its activities throughout the fiscal year, including performance on key deliverables, financial statements and appointees. Our financial statements are prepared in accordance with Canadian public sector accounting standards and have been audited by the Auditor General of Ontario.

2021-22 Annual Report (PDF)
2022-23 Annual Report (PDF)

Expense disclosure

In accordance with the Ontario Travel, Meal and Hospitality Expenses Directive, 2020, Supply Ontario publishes detailed expense information related to travel, accommodation, meals and hospitality incurred by board members and senior executives.

View Supply Ontario’s expense disclosure webpage.

Open data

Supply Ontario supports Ontario’s commitment to Open Government. We believe that open data leads to a better future for Ontario, supporting innovation, efficiency, accountability and collaboration.  

Our work aligns with Ontario’s Digital and Data Directive, 2021. As an agency, Supply Ontario is required to publish a list of all the datasets we create, collect and/or manage as data inventory. At this time, Supply Ontario does not have any data sets; future data sets will be published on this page.